Friday, 28 January 2011

Catching up and slowing down

It has been a while  now since I posted my 'daily' small stone - not quite in keeping with spirit of the thing but I have collected a few in my pocket over the last (busy and stressful) week. Just sitting down to write now I feel better already - a few minutes of quiet for which I am very grateful.

Here goes then:

The paradox of the silver birch.
Fragility and freedom
caught in wild branches
and slender scarred trunk.

Yesterday's problems now resolved.
And I am grateful for good neighbours.

The stress of the day
gathered tight in my stomach
... sickening.

The stress of the day
gathered tight in my head
... ache.

The stress of the day
gathered tight in my chest
and a hand held in love
... soothes.

This next one is from yesterday and prompted me to write again:

Rushing for the train, I remember to look
and see trees I don not recognise;
I want to know what they are.


  1. I'm sorry life has been so stressful you couldn't get here every day (and guessed from something in your tone that you must be in London - does every mega-city's stress have its own flavour, I wonder?). But this does give us the added pleasure of the three 'stress of the day' micro-poems together - tremendously satisfying in form and impactful in content. Terrific stuff.

  2. Thank you Jean. I'm not sure about cities you know. Sure, London is stressful for me right now if I let it be. Yet, the very same things that I currently find stressful were, for many years, full of life and energy and I loved them!
